$0.35 Earnings Per Share Expected for Avantor, Inc. (NYSE:AVTR) This Quarter - Defense World

2022-04-21 11:43:12 By : Mr. David Shao

Posted by admin on Apr 20th, 2022

Analysts expect Avantor, Inc. (NYSE:AVTR – Get Rating) to post $0.35 earnings per share for the current fiscal quarter, according to Zacks Investment Research. Seven analysts have issued estimates for Avantor’s earnings, with the lowest EPS estimate coming in at $0.33 and the highest estimate coming in at $0.38. Avantor also reported earnings of $0.35 per share during the same quarter last year. The company is expected to issue its next earnings results after the market closes on Monday, January 1st.

According to Zacks, analysts expect that Avantor will report full-year earnings of $1.50 per share for the current fiscal year, with EPS estimates ranging from $1.47 to $1.52. For the next financial year, analysts expect that the business will post earnings of $1.72 per share, with EPS estimates ranging from $1.66 to $1.80. Zacks Investment Research’s EPS averages are a mean average based on a survey of research firms that cover Avantor.

Avantor (NYSE:AVTR – Get Rating) last announced its quarterly earnings data on Thursday, February 3rd. The company reported $0.36 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, beating the Zacks’ consensus estimate of $0.33 by $0.03. The business had revenue of $1.91 billion during the quarter, compared to analysts’ expectations of $1.90 billion. Avantor had a return on equity of 35.81% and a net margin of 7.53%. During the same quarter in the previous year, the business earned $0.29 earnings per share.

A number of brokerages have recently issued reports on AVTR. Robert W. Baird cut their price objective on shares of Avantor from $44.00 to $43.00 in a research report on Monday, February 7th. Morgan Stanley reduced their target price on shares of Avantor from $46.00 to $43.00 and set an “overweight” rating on the stock in a report on Monday, February 7th. Citigroup lowered shares of Avantor from a “buy” rating to a “neutral” rating and lowered their target price for the stock from $48.00 to $38.00 in a report on Monday, April 4th. Zacks Investment Research lowered Avantor from a “hold” rating to a “sell” rating in a research note on Monday. Finally, Barclays raised their price objective on Avantor from $41.00 to $44.00 and gave the stock an “overweight” rating in a report on Monday, February 7th. One research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, one has given a hold rating and fourteen have issued a buy rating to the company. According to MarketBeat.com, Avantor presently has an average rating of “Buy” and a consensus price target of $43.59.

In other Avantor news, EVP Gerard Brophy sold 3,059 shares of Avantor stock in a transaction on Wednesday, February 23rd. The shares were sold at an average price of $33.79, for a total value of $103,363.61. The sale was disclosed in a document filed with the SEC, which is available at the SEC website. Corporate insiders own 1.60% of the company’s stock.

A number of hedge funds and other institutional investors have recently bought and sold shares of the business. Morgan Stanley grew its holdings in shares of Avantor by 3.6% during the second quarter. Morgan Stanley now owns 601,239 shares of the company’s stock valued at $21,350,000 after purchasing an additional 21,118 shares during the last quarter. Bank of America Corp DE grew its stake in shares of Avantor by 17.8% in the 2nd quarter. Bank of America Corp DE now owns 2,384,449 shares of the company’s stock worth $84,672,000 after purchasing an additional 361,023 shares during the last quarter. Kestra Advisory Services LLC increased its holdings in shares of Avantor by 10.5% in the third quarter. Kestra Advisory Services LLC now owns 7,598 shares of the company’s stock valued at $311,000 after buying an additional 719 shares in the last quarter. Signaturefd LLC raised its position in shares of Avantor by 565.3% during the third quarter. Signaturefd LLC now owns 2,741 shares of the company’s stock worth $112,000 after purchasing an additional 2,329 shares during the period. Finally, Vontobel Holding Ltd. boosted its holdings in shares of Avantor by 281.2% in the third quarter. Vontobel Holding Ltd. now owns 31,643 shares of the company’s stock worth $1,294,000 after buying an additional 23,342 shares during the period. Hedge funds and other institutional investors own 92.46% of the company’s stock.

AVTR opened at $31.67 on Wednesday. The stock has a market capitalization of $19.32 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of 36.83, a PEG ratio of 0.68 and a beta of 1.62. The company has a quick ratio of 1.11, a current ratio of 1.71 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 2.19. The firm has a 50 day moving average price of $33.74 and a 200-day moving average price of $37.02. Avantor has a twelve month low of $29.58 and a twelve month high of $44.37.

Avantor Company Profile (Get Rating)

Avantor, Inc provides products and services to customers in biopharma, healthcare, education and government, advanced technologies, and applied materials industries in the Americas, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. The company offers materials and consumables, such as purity chemicals and reagents, lab products and supplies, formulated silicone materials, customized excipients, customized single-use assemblies, process chromatography resins and columns, analytical sample prep kits, education and microbiology products, clinical trial kits, peristaltic pumps, and fluid handling tips.

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